Friday, June 18, 2010

Canada's top 100( B.C 5 businesses

-(Bc Hydro) Offers maternity leavetop-up benefits to employees who are new mothers(to 85% of salary for 17 weeks). Helps employees prepare for retirement with a genourous contributions to a defined benefit pension plan.

-(6S marketing inc.) ensure all employees can share in the company's success by making their share purchases and profit sharing plans available to everyone. -awards a finacial bonus($1500) to a employee who refer someone successfully hired by the company.

-(AirG INC.)-awards a finacial bonus ($1500) to a employee who refers someone successfully hired by the company. -Gives employees three weeks of paid vacation after their first year on the job.

-(club Intrawest) -Gives employees a generous discounts at affilated resort destinations across North America. -Offers a flexible health benefits plan, so employees can customize the coverage the receive.

-(Davis LLP) -encourcages ongoing employees eduction with tuition subsidies for courses at outside institutions. -Gives associate lawyer personell maternity leave top up payments(too 100% for 17 weeks)

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